We are currently fundraising to help pay the costs of this site

The cost of running websites isn't free, if you have found our website useful and want to help out with the running costs please click the button and donate to us :) All money goes towards our hosting costs (which hammered us during covid!) HELP FUND THE SITE

Hello Sweety!

Welcome to the (Trufflemonkey) Pub Quiz questions site.

Remember us? We're back with a shiny new look, less questions at the moment, but we're working on that..

We here at PubQuizQuestions love going to a decent pub quiz (who doesn't?), we love taking part in them and we love writing them. We are lucky enough to host our own quiz nights in various pubs and bars dotted around the South Coast of England.

Pub quizzes are fun to write, but can be very time consuming to do so. We often spend 4-5 hours writing a quiz. When we write a pub quiz we tend to float around loads of quiz question sites looking for inspiration or questions to put into whatever quiz we were writing. We used to spend hours researching these quiz questions, so one day, when incredibly hungover we (I say we, it was just one of us) decided to make life a little bit easier and develop a one stop shop for pub quiz questions (or trivia if you aren't from the UK!). So I sat down, put on my coding hat and set to work. Many many hours later this website was born (and the hangover was gone!).

On this site you will find a large compilation of questions we found and/or made. Some of the questions we've written, a lot we have "borrowed" from other sites (hover over the question to find out the source of that particular question). We make no claims about the questions in our ever expanding database, it is up to you to double check the answers, we are holding our hands up and will admit that most of them we have spidered from other websites and we cannot vouch for the validity of them! This is where you come into it!

Our aim is to create the ultimate pub quiz resource site (ultime - too cheesy?), but we can't do that without help, well, we probably could but it'd be lots of work and pretty boring. We have a pretty sophisticated backend that trawls the web looking for quiz questions that would be suitable for a pub quiz, but it's not perfect, sometimes it gets things wrong or the site we have grabbed the question from has got an answer wrong. So, if you have a quiz you want to send us, or a pub quiz question, or you've noticed that an answer is wrong (or in the wrong category) then please do tell us via our brand new shiny forum. Our aim is to make this site totally community driven.

Talking of the forum, we do have one. We think it'd be a great place to swap tips, questions, have a bit of banter (we love banter, it makes our quiz nights so much more fun). Yes, we are aware that it looks very different to how a forum would normally (should?) look, but there's no need to be scared!

In the beginning the site was meant to be reasonably automated (we were using it to learn a few things for other projects), but it turns out that we didn't know as much as we thought we did and it all soon broke. This meant the spidering, adding and checking of questions ground to a halt (sad times) and we let the site just sit for too long. But it was still getting a fair bit of attention and a healthy amount of visitors to it, so we (me) decided to revamp the site and start to fix the problems (it's still not perfect, but it's getting there!). We've given it a lot of love and have totally rewritten everything. V3 is looking beautiful!

You may have noticed that we are have parts that freeloaders can't use, how to get access to that is coming soon..