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Art & Literature

There are currently 1319 questions in the Art & Literature category.
Question Answer
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Which Author Wrote To Books The Shining And Pet Sematary
Stephen King
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line: The Great Fish Moved Silently Through The Night Water, Propelled By Short Sweeps Of Its Crescent Tail
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line: It Was A Bright Cold Day In April, And All The Clocks Were Striking Thirteen
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line: Call Me Ishmael
Moby Dick
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line: When He Was Nearly Thirteen My Brother Jem Got His Arm Badly Broken At The Elbow
To Kill A Mockingbird
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'Mr & Mrs Dursley Of Number 4 Privet Drive Were Proud To Say That They Were Perfectly Normal'
Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'It Is A Truth Universally Acknowledged That A Single Man In Possession Of A Good Fortune Must Be In Want Of A Wife'
Pride & Prejudice
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'In A Hole In The Ground There Lived A...'
The Hobbit
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'It Was The Best Of Times It Was The Worst Of Times It Was The Age Of Wisdom'
A Tale Of 2 Cities
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'Once Upon A Time There Was A Little Chimney Sweep And His Name Was Tom'
The Water Babies
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Which Famous Book Begins With The Line 'The Mole Had Been Working Very Hard All The Morning, Spring-Cleaning His Little Home'
The Wind In The Willows
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line 'On January 6, 1482, The People Of Paris Were Awakened By The Tumultuous Clanging Of All The Bells In The City'
The Hunchback Of Natre Damme
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line 'When Shall We Three Meet Again, In Thunder, Lightening, Or In Rain'
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line 'Not Long Ago, There Lived In London A Young Married Couple Of Dalmatian Dogs Named Pongo And Misses Pongo'
101 Dalmations
Which Famous Book Begins With The Line 'Marley Was Dead, To Begin With. There Was No Doubt About That'
A Christmas Carol
Biff, Chip And Kipper Are Characters From Which Famous Children's Book Series
The Magic Key
Which Shakespearean Character Has The Most Lines
Who killed Macbeth?
What Was The Name Of Charles Dickens Last Novel Unfinished At His Death
The Mystery Of Edwin Drood 
Who is associated with the address 221B Baker Street, London ?
Sherlock Holmes
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What is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series
The Goblet Of Fire 
For What Is Dame Margott Fonteyn Famous
Ballet Dancing 
A realistic style of painting in which everyday life forms the subject matter, as distinguished from religious or historical painting.
Genre painting
On what book was 'Three Days Of The Condor' based?
Six Days Of The Condor
From the Hebrew word for 'prophet'. A group of French painters active in the 1890s who worked in a subjective, sometimes mystical style, stressing flat areas of color and pattern.
Who wrote Great Expectations?
Charles Dickens
A termed coined by British art critic Roger Fry to refer to a group of nine-teenth century painters, who were dissatisfied with the limitations of impressionism. It has since been used to refer to various reactions against impressionism, such as fauvism and expressionism.
Who Co-Wrote (Yeoman Of The Guard), (Lolanthe And The Mikado)
Gilbert & Sullivan 
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: Goodnight, goodnight! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow.
Romeo and juliet
Which Author Wrote The Sound & The Fury, The Wild Palms, And As I Lay Dying
William Faulkner 
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