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Art & Literature

There are currently 1319 questions in the Art & Literature category.
Question Answer
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Who Wrote The Gothic Novel Dracula
Bram Stoker 
What Irish playwright and author, wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "A Picture of Dorian Grey" among others?
Oscar Wilde
What is the name of Gandalf's horse
He penned the founding novel of the utopian genre, "Utopia."?
Sir Thomas More
Who is karen Blixen better known as?
Isaak Dinesen
What book is the film Blade Runner based on ?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Meaning 'fool the eye' in french. In painting, the fine, detailed rendering of objects to convey the illusion that the painted forms are real and three-dimensional.
Trompe l'oeil
In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"?
Who wrote the novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde" ?
Who wrote 'The Canterbury Tales'?
Geoffrey Chaucer
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A group of English painters formed in 1848. These artists attempted to recapture the style of painting preceding Raphael. They rejected industrialized England and focused on painting from nature, producing detailed, colorful works.
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
Who Wrote The Tin Tin Stories
(Georges Remi ) Herge 
Who Wrote The Gulag Archipelago
Alexander Solzhenitsyn 
In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"
What Nationality Was Jospeh Conrad
Who Wrote The Play (The Mousetrap)
Agatha Christie 
What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses
Romeo and juliet
What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called?
As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler?
A certifiable lunatic
Referring to the principles of Greek and Roman art of antiquity with its emphasis on harmony, proportion, balance, and simplicity. In a general sense, it refers to art based on accepted standards of beauty.
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Who is the protagonist of Milton's Paradise Lost?
How Many Holes Are There On A Traditional Artists Pallette?
Who wrote the Belgariad ?
Leigh and David Eddings
Which Of Jane Austens Novels Was Publsihed Posthumously
Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story?
Peter Pan
This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam.
Anne frank
How Is Mrs William Heelis Better Known
Beatrix Potter 
Which Colour Followed Picasso's Blue Period
What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as "a little Peyton Place"?
Harper Valley
This magazine chronicled the Man of Bronze and the Fabulous Five.
Doc savage
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