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Art & Literature

There are currently 1319 questions in the Art & Literature category.
Question Answer
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The play "Our Town" is set where?
Grover's Corners
What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail?
Peter Rabbit
Who Wrote The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain 
In 'Romeo and Juliet', who said 'I have a faint cold, fear thrills through my veins'?
Who wrote 'Weird Harold and Fat Albert'?
Bill Cosby
In Which City Will You Find The Largest Opera House In The World
New York , The Metropolitan Opera 
What's Penthouse's sister publication for women?
A movement, c. 1915-23, that rejected accepted aesthetic standards. It aimed to create antiart and nonart, often employing a sense of the absurd.
In Which City Is Leonardo Da Vinnci's (Last Supper) Displayed
Which publishing company was founded in London in 1935 by Allen Lane?
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Who's last words were 'Thus with a kiss I die'?
A printing process in which ink impressions are taken from a flat stone or metal plate prepared with a greasy substance, such as an oily crayon.
Who wrote the Discworld series ?
Terry Pratchett
Which Author Wrote The Spy That Came In From The Cold
John Le Carre 
Who Wrote The Opera (The Flying Dutchman)
What Was The Title Of The First Ever James Bond Novel
Casino Royale 
What Is The Name Of The Bird In The Peanuts Strip
What Dutch master painted 64 self_portraits
In 'Alice In Wonderland', who never stopped sobbing?
Mock Turtle
Which American Author Wrote Jaws
Peter Benchley 
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Which book featured the miser Scrooge?
A Christmas Carol
This subject is covered in the magazine "Bondage" (two words)
James bond
Whose ghost appears at the dinner table in 'Macbeth'?
Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'In A Hole In The Ground There Lived A'
The Hobbit 
What were the two cities in 'A Tale Of Two Cities'?
London and Paris
Frodo is chosen to deliver The Ring into the heart of what
Mount doom
Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous personal expression, freedom from accepted artistic values, surface quallities of paint, and the act of painting itself.
Abstract expressionism
Which Painter Reputedly Cut Of His Own Ear
Vincent Van Goch 
Who wrote 'little lamb, who made thee'?
William Blake
What was Michelangelo's first name?
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