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There are currently 8276 questions in the Entertainment category.
Question Answer
This website is a tad expensive to run, if you find it useful please donate. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page.
Nostalgia: What Were Tv Addicts Talking About In The Summer Of 1980
Who Shot J.R Ewing
Nostalgia: What Product Was Advertised On Tv With The Slogan 'You Get It From Contented Cows!!!'
Carnation Milk
Nostalgia: Who Were The Aliens In Captain Scarlet
The Mysterons
Nostalgia: In Which Pastime Might You Score A Hit
Nostalgia: The Famous Party Seven Beer Keg Very Big In The 70's Was The Product Of Which Brewery
Nostalgia: In The 1980's If You Said 'Give Me A Light' It Meant What
Bud Light
Nostalgia: Which British Prime Minister Resigned In 1976
Harold Wilson
Nostalgia: What Was The Name Of The Emoto- Tronic Friend That You Had To Take Care Of And Was Popular In The 90's
Nostalgia: What Was Keith Chegwin Playing In The Mid To Late 80's
Nostalgia: Which Beer Used To Be Advertised With The Slogan 'Refreshes The Parts Other Beers Cannot Reach'
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Nostalgia: I'm Sure You'll All Remember This But Where On Your Body Would You Wear Deeley Boppers
On Your Head
Nursery Rhymes: What Is The Name Of My Black Hen Who Lays Eggs For Gentlemen
Hickety Pickety
Nursery Rhymes: What Did The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe Give Her Children To Eat
Some Broth Without Any Bread
Nursery Rhymes: Who Was The Black Sheeps Second Bag Of Wool For
The Dame
Nursery Rhymes: What Will Poor Robin Do When The North Wind Blows
He'll Sit In A Barn & Keep Himself Warm & Hide His Head Under His Wing
Nursery Rhymes: With What Did Jack Mend His Head
Vinegar And Brown Paper
Nursery Rhymes: Who Stole The Tarts That The Queen Made
The Knave Of Hearts
Nursery Rhymes: What Did Granfa Grig Have
A Pig
Nursery Rhymes: How Much Money Did Simple Simon Have
Nursery Rhymes: How Many Blackbirds Were In The Kings Pie
Four & Twenty
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Nursery Rhymes: Where Did Marys Lamb Follow Her
To School
Nursery Rhymes: Why Did The Boy Let The Fish Go Again
Coz It Bit My Finger So
Nursery Rhymes: After The Cow Jumped Over The Moon Who Laughed
The Little Dog
Nursery Rhymes: By Which Time Should The Cobbler Mend My Shoe
Half Past Two
Nursery Rhymes: Why Did Doctor Foster Never Return To Gloucester
Because He Stepped In A Puddle Right Up To His Middle
Nursery Rhymes: With Which Letter Should The Baker Mark The Cake
Nursery Rhymes: What Did Little Miss Muffett Eat
Her Curds & Whey
Nursery Rhymes: What Grows In Mary, Marys Garden
Silver Belles & Cockle Shells
Nursery Rhymes: Where Did Peter, Peter Put His Wife
In A Pumpkin Shell
Nursery Rhymes: If One's For Sorrow What Is A Five For
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
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