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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Name The Celebrity Daughter Of Former Television Presenter Johnny Ball
Zoe Ball
In Sport, Females Competed In The Olympics For The First Time In Which Year
In Science, What Is The First Name Of Fleming, Who First Recognised The Anti-Bacterial Properties Of The Penicillin Mould
In What Year Did South Africa Hold Its First Democratic, Non-Racial Elections
In Fashion, 'Shantung Silk' Is Named After A Province Of Which Country
Kiev Is The Capital Of Which Eastern European Republic
In The Animal Kingdom, On Which Part Of A Horse Is The Fetlock
Lower Leg (Hoof)
In 1936, Jesse Owens Was The Star Of The Olympic Games Held In Which City
Which American Band Leader Went Missing When His Plane Disappeared Over The English Channel During The Second World War
Glen Miller
Which American Author Wrote The Novel Naked Lunch, Published In 1959
William S Burroughs
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Which Australian Supermodel And Actress Is Referred To As 'The Body'
Elle Macpherson
Which American State Is Known As 'The Potato State'
In Which Decade Was David Frost Knighted In The New Year's Honours List
1990s (1993)
In The UK, St George's Hospital Medical School Is Part Of Which University
University Of London
What Is The Usual French Translation For The English Word 'Day'
Harrison Ford Played Dr Richard Kimble In Which 1993 Film
The Fugitive
In History, Was The First Widespread Use Of Trench Warfare During World War I Or The American Civil War
American Civil War
In Nature, Two Species Of Ambrosia Beetle Have Been Responsible For The Widespread Destruction Of Which Tree
What 'B' Is A Group Of Islands In The Atlantic Ocean That Gained Independence Within The Commonwealth In 1973
What Was The 3rd TV Channel To Be Launched In The UK
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Four And Twenty Of What Type Of Bird Were Baked In A Pie, According To The Popular Nursery Rhyme
In Which Monty Python Film Does Graham Chapman Play King Arthur And God
Monty Python And The Holy Grail
The English Admiral And Explorer Sir Francis Drake Was Born In Which Century: The Sixteenth Or Seventeenth
Sixteenth Century (1540)
In The Animal Kingdom, What 'P' Is Another Name For The Cougar Or Mountain Lion
In Which German City Is The Largest Gothic Cathedral In Northern Europe
In Transport, What 'B' Is A Small Post Marking A Traffic Island
In Which Capital City Might You Visit The FBI Building And The White House
Washington DC
Which Noted English Dramatist And Composer Penned The Song Line 'Don't Put Your Daughter On The Stage, Mrs Worthington'
Noel Coward
In The Animal Kingdom, Is A Tench A Fish Or A Frog
John Wesley Was The Founder Of Which Worldwide Religious Movement
Methodist Church
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