In what Australian state would you find Shellharbour
| New south wales nsw | |
Which country (capital Luanda) lies just south of Zaire
| Angola | |
What Was Designed In 1997 By Art Teacher "Bruce Rushin" To Symbolise The Progress Of Technology Within British Industry
| The £2 Coin | |
What did Sir Rowland Hill introduce in Britain in 1840
| Envelopes | |
What is the proper name for a falling star
| Meteor | |
What is the name of the horse in the black stallion
| The black | |
What is the punishment for drunk driving in Norway
| Three months of Government lectures | |
What is a non-cancerous tumour
| Benign | |
What is an example of a notable "football stadium"
| Wembley stadium | |
From Which Movie Did The Pop Group “Duran Duran” Get Their Name?
| Barbarella | |
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Actor Larry Hagman Is Actually The Son Of Which Very Famous Actress
| Mary Martin | |
In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor
| Cook | |
What do you give on the third wedding anniversary
| Leather | |
In which of Goldsmith's Comedies does Kate Hardcastle appear
| She stoops to conquer | |
Where can Americans always see the time as 4.10
| $100 bill Independence hall clock | |
Zipporah was the wife of who in the Bible
| Moses | |
Who is the Norse god of thunder & war
| Thor | |
King Farouk the First of Egypt was overthrown in 1952 and spent his exiled years mainly in which country, of which he became a citizen
| Monaco | |
What is the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder
| Ureter | |
Name the ruling family of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.
| Habsburg | |
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Two door car with a hard roof and slopping back
| Coupe | |
What common word comes from Knights after the Crusades
| Freelance | |
Which film, directed by Oliver Stone, won Best Film Oscar in 1986
| Platoon | |
Who wrote "the french lieutenant's woman"
| John fowles | |
In Disney's 1973 animated Robin Hood what creature was Robin
| A Fox like Marion | |
Blackburn Manager (2008) Paul Ince Has A Very Famous Sporting Cousin Who Is It
| Nigel Benn | |
What is a group of ducks on the water
| Raft | |
The ghost of Anne Boleyn might be expected to walk in which London palace
| Hampton court | |
Whose work is never done, according to a popular saying
| A woman's | |
Who married shania twain
| John lange | |
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