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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Which Gas Is Commonly Known As Laughing Gas
Nitrous Oxide
David Lloyd George Was The Last British Prime Minister To Be A Leader Of Which Party
Liberal Party
In Sport, On What Would You Find A 'Point' A 'Barrel' And A 'Flight'
A Dart
Complete The Title Of The Cole Porter Song. 'Lets Do...' What
If You Were Travelling On A Wagon-Lit, How Would You Be Travelling
By Train (Sleeper Coach)
In Television Timothy West Played Bradley Hardacre In Which Comedy Series Of The 1980s
In A US Postal Address, 'MN' Is The Abbreviation For Which State
In Which Century Did Colley Cibber Become The English Poet Laureate
Eighteenth Century (1730)
What 'M' Is A Large Tent, Or A Canopy Over The Entrance To A Building
Who Played James Bond In For Your Eyes Only And Live And Let Die
Roger Moore
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In Cookery, When Using A Pestle And Mortar, Which Is The Bowl
In Biology, The Stirrup Is The Common Name For A Small Bone Found In What Part Of The Human Head
Middle Ear
Are There More Or Fewer Than Four Litres In One Gallon
In Television, Michael Elphick And Angela Thorne Starred In Which Sitcom About Two Unlikely Flat Mates
Three Up Two Down
The Names Of Two US States End With The Letter 'T' Vermont Is One, Name The Other
What Colour Is A Youth Hostel Triangle On An Ordnance Survey Map
What Colour Is The Star Of David On The Israeli Flag
In The Animal Kingdom, Albacore Is A Variety Of Which Edible Fish
In Pop Music, 'In The Navy' Was A Hit For Which American Group Of The 1970s
Village People
Hamburg And Hanover Are Cities In Which Country
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
With What Sport Would You Associate Jean Alesi
Motor Racing
Does The Pacific Ocean Lie Off The East Or The West Of South America
In How Many Rocky Films Has Sylvester Stallone Appeared
In Which English City Is The Central School Of Speech And Drama
Until 1918, Austria Was Joined In A Dual Monarchy With Which Country
In Science, Does Alkaline Soil Have A 'PH' Level Greater Or Less Than 6 Or 7
Which John Grisham Novel Was Turned Into A Film In 1994 Starring Susan Sarandon
The Client
In Poetry, Did Ted Hughes Or Cecil Day Lewis Become The English Poet Laureate First
Cecil Day Lewis
Which Animal Has The Latin Name Bufo Bufo: A Toad Or A Cat
In Astrology, In Which Two Months Could You Have Been Born If Your Star Sign Was Sagittarius
November And december
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