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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
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Politics, What Was Signed By The Soviet Union , Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania & East Germany In 1955
Warsaw Pact
Politics, Who Won The Fermanagh And South Tyrone By Election From His Prison Cell In April 1981
Bobby Sands
Politics, Of Which Organisation Was Uri Andropov Leader Before Becoming Soviet President In 1982
Politics, What Was The Principal Reason For The British Governments Introduction To Daylight Saving Time In 1916
To Save Coal Resources
Politics, Which Country Issued A Unilateral Declaration Of Independence From Britain On Rememberance Day In 1965
Politics, Which Countries Parliament Was Opened By King George V In 1921
Northern Ireland
Politics, In 1971 , Which British Secretary Of State For Education Refused To Allow Local Councils To Supply Free Milk To Schoolchildren
Margaret Thatcher
Politics, A Group From Which Political Party Organised A 'Stop Kennedy' Campaign During The 1960 Presidential Campaign
Democratic Party
Politics, By What Name Was Mao Tse-Tungs Purge On Liberal Dissidents In China Between 1966-69 Known
The Cultural Revolution
Politics, In Which Year Was The Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Assasinated
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Politics, In Which European City Was The Cease Fire Agreement To End The War In Vietnam Signed
Politics, Who Was Ousted From Power By Hard Line Soviet Communists In 1991
Mikhail Gorbachev
Politics, What Was The Name Given To The Demonstration In Washington Dc Led By The Nation Of Islams Leader Louis Farrakhan In 1995
The Million Man March
Politics, Where Did Nelson Mandella Spend The Majority Of His Time As A Political Prisoner
Robben Island
Politics, Who Introduced A Scheme For A Nationalised Health Service In 1946
Aneurin Bevan
Politics, Which Businessman Was Behind The United Empire Party In Britain In The 1930's
Lord Beaverbrook
Politics, Which Irish Party's Name Translates As Soldiers Of Destiny
Fianna Fail
Politics, What Do The Initials Of The Zanu Party Stand For
Zimbabwe African National Union
Politics, Which Democratic Party Candidate Ran Against George Bush In The 1988 Presidential Election
Michael Dukakis
Politics, Who Was Prime Minister When The British Government Imposed Direct Rule On Northern Ireland In 1972
Edward Heath
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Politics, Who Shared The Nobel Peace Prize In 1993
Nelson Mandella & FW De Klerk
Politics, Who Led The Khmer Rouge From 1962 - 1985
Pol Pot
Politics, When Were Woman First Admitted To The House Of Lords
Politics, Who Was The Prime Minister At The Time Of The Suez Crisis In 1956
Sir Anthony Eden
Politics, In Politics What Does The Abbreviation Omov Actually Mean
One Member One Vote
Politics, In What Year Did John Major Become British Prime Minister
Politics, What Was Introduced By Clement Atlees Labour Government In 1948
Say When, Maurice Gibb Of The Bee Gees Married Lulu
Say When, Charlie Chaplin Was Knighted
Say When, Old Age Pensions Of 5/- A Week Were Introduced For Persons Over 70 Years Of Age
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