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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Johnny Unitas Was A Legend In Which Sport
American Football
Which English Navigator Completed The First Circumnavigation Of The Globe In 1580
Francis Drake
19th Century Scientist Charles Babbage's Difference Engine And Analytical Engine Are Forerunners Of Which Device
The Computer
The Morlocks And The Eloi Appear In Which H.G Wells Science Fiction Novel
The Time Machine
Which Film Starring Humphrey Bogart And Lauren Bacall Is Set On An Island Off Florida As A Hurricane Approaches
Key Largo
In Irish Folklore Which Female Spirit Announces Herself By Shrieking And Wailing When Someone Is Near Death
The Banshee
The Index Mark 'Ch' Indicates That A Car Is From Which Country
Michael Redgrave Played Barnes Wallis In Which Stirring British War Film
The Dam Busters
Which Song By Suzanne Vega Made The Uk Top Ten After Being Remixed By Dna In 1990
Toms Diner
Susan Hampshire And Philip Latham Starred In Which 1974 Tv Adaptation Of An Anthony Trollope Series Of Novels
The Pallisers
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What Do Lignivorous Animals Feed On
Which Swedish Industrialist Invented Dynamite And Gelignite And Funded And Annual Peace Prize
Alfred Nobel
Which Animal Gets Its Name From The Afrikaans Language Meaning 'Earth Pig'
Who Wrote The Novels The Big Sleep And The Long Goodbye
Raymond Chandler
John Travolta And Emma Thompson Played A Political Couple In Which Nineties Film
Primary Colours
Which Topical English Sitcom Starred Neil Pearson And Dave Charnley And Stephen Tomkinson As Damien Day
Drop The Dead Donkey
In Thaliand What Is A 'Klong'
A Canal
Which Legendary Arabian Bird Rises From Its Ashes Every 500 Years
The Phoenix
Amita Dhiri, Daniela Nardini And Jack Davenport All Starred In Which Nineties Bbc Series
This Life
The Nina And The Pinta Were 2 Ol Columbus's Ships In 1492 What Was The Third Called
The Santa Maria
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Of Which Form Of Propulsion Was Frank Whittle And Early Pioneer
The Jet Engine
Which American Jazz Singer Changed Her Name From Eleanora Fagan
Billie Holiday
Which Bizet Opera Tells The Story Of A Gypsy Girl Who Works In A Cigarette Factory
Tila Swinton And Leonardo Di Caprio Both Starred In Which Film Based On An Alex Garland Novel
The Beach
Which European City Is Served By Ciampino And Fiumicino Airports
Forbidden Planet Is A Sci-Fi Film Based On Which Shakespeare Play
The Tempest
For Which Film Did Bryan Adams Write The Song 'Everything I Do I Do It For You'
Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves
Sicilian, Ponziani, Russian, Scottish, Nimzo-Indian And Sokolsky Are All Type Of Which Movement
Opening Moves In Chess
Which Eu Country Has A Coat Of Arms With A Hammer And Sickle On It
Which Country Has The Oldest Written Constitution Still In Existence
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