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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Is Australia Ahead Of Or Behind GMT
In Which American City Might You Take A Tour Of Television's South Fork Ranch
In Literature, In Which Century Did The American Poet Emily Dickinson Write
If You Travelled Direct By Train From Ipswich To London, At Which London Terminus Would You Arrive
Liverpool Street
In The Animal Kingdom, Which Of Santa's Reindeer Shares Its Name With The Word For A Female Fox
Which Of Pierce Brosnan's James Bond Movies Shares Its Name With A Type Of Duck
In Food, Jasmine, Sticky And Long-Grain Are All Types Of What
In The Novel Nicholas Nickleby By Charles Dickens, Does The Character Nicholas Ever Actually Appear
In 1966, Which Music Star Recorded The Album 'Blonde On Blonde'
Bob Dylan
In Which Century Did The Suez Canal Open
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In The Animal Kingdom, 'Ringlet' And 'Purple Hairstreak' Are Both Types Of Which Insect
In The Human Body, Are The Temporal Bones In The Foot Or The Head
In Science, Which Element's Name Comes From The Latin For 'Charcoal', And Has The Symbol 'C'
What Were The First Names Of The Two Kelly's Who Presented The Television Series Game For A Laugh
Matthew And Henry
The Holder Of Which Political Post Is The Chief Law Officer Of The Crown In England And Wales
Attorney General
In World War 2, Which Country Erected The Metaxas Line Facing Bulgaria, Was It Greece Or Yugoslavia
In Which Yorkshire Town Might You Cross The Stray To Reach The Valley Gardens
Is An Angstrom A Unit Of Measure For Very Small Or Very Large Distances
Is It True To Say That Those Afflicted With Daltonism Are Colour Blind
On 4 July 1997, An American Pathfinder Spacecraft Landed On Which Planet
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In Medicine, Digitoxin And Digitalis Are Derived From Which Flowering Plant
What Kind Of Recreational Activity Is 'Doggy Paddling'
The Movie Subtitled 'A Close Shave' Was The Third Film In Which Oscar-Winning Film Series By Nick Park
Wallace And Gromit
In Biology, In Which Organ Of The Body Is The Retina
What 'G' Is The Mineral From Which Plaster Of Paris Is Made
What Is The Name Of The BBC's Comedy Fund-Raising Event Which Takes Place On Red Nose Day
Comic Relief
Did The Beano Comic First Appear In The 1930s Or The 1960s
In Music, Is A 'Ligature' Part Of The French Horn Or The Clarinet
In The UK, Where Would You Be If The Postcode Began With The Letter 'G'
In Food, Cornish Yarg Is A Type Of What
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