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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Roy Chapman became baseball's first fatality in which year
Electronic lift control what is the second biggest organ in the human body
Aotearoa is Maori name for New Zealand - what's it mean
Long Daylight
In Knight Rider,what's the real last name of Michael Knight?
What does a brandophile collect
Cigar bands
Who sang the theme song in 9 to 5
Dolly Parton
What is the world's second largest religion
In what field did Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale become well known in the 19th Century
Girls higher education
Sanskrit is an old language - what does the word mean
Put together – Perfected
Who spoke for the first time in a Bugs Bunny cartoon in 1951
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Dragon Stout is brewed in what city / country
Kingston Jamaica
The plant life in the oceans make up about what percent of all the greenery on the earth
What is philography
Autograph collecting
Who designed the difference engine finally built in 1991
Charles Babbage's computer 1796
Which London MP is more famous as an actress
Glenda jackson
Where on the human body is the ulnar loop
In Greek mythology, what city did cadmus found
Which plant has the scientific name Convallaria
Lily of the valley
Who invented the vacuum flask
James dewar
Capone Music Artists: Who did "Cheap Sunglasses" in 1979
ZZ Top
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
What is the literal translation of the word brandy
Burnt wine
Information from a reliable source is said to come from where
Horse's mouth
Which country has the currency 'yen'?
Which city is the capital of Tuscany
Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor.
What is Falaka
Turkish feet beating
Who enacted a law requiring cigarette manufacturers to put health warnings on their packages
Lyndon b johnson
Clothes designer Alexander McQueen works for which fashion house
Which tennesee williams play is about a sicilian-american woman
Rose tattoo
In films who could win the Golden Boot award
Actors in cowboy films
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
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