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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Korean Industrialist Sun Myung Moon Founded Which Religious Movement In 1954
Unification Church
Which Ancient Greek Poet Shares His Name With A Character In The Cartoon The Simpsons
In History, Shoguns Were The Military Dictators Of Which Country Until 1867
In Medicine, What Term Is Used To Describe An Inherited Disease Characterised By The Inability Of The Blood To Clot
In Television's Star Trek, Which Starship Captain Is Associated With The Phrase 'Beam Me Up, Scotty'
Captain Kirk
Which Impressionist Artist Famously Painted Different Versions Of The Facade Of Rouen Cathedral In The 1890s
Which Seventeenth-Century English Poet Wrote The Epic Poem 'Paradise Lost'
John Milton
From Which Country Did Brazil Declare Independence In 1822
In Boxing, Who Did Muhammad Ali Defeat In Zaire In The 1974 Fight Dubbed 'The Rumble In The Jungle'
George Foreman
Which Scottish Football Team Plays At The 'Ibrox Stadium'
Glasgow Rangers
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In Television, Which Flamboyant Dame Is Known For Saying 'Hello Possums'
Dame Edna Everage
In Greek Mythology, Which King Of Phrygia Was Granted The Gift Of Converting Everything He Touched To Gold
In Hans Christian Andersen's Tale, 'The Ugly Duckling' Grew Into Which Fine Bird
In The Animal Kingdom, Is The 'Okapi' A Relative Of The Zebra Or The Giraffe
In Pop Music, What Group's Singles Include 'You Really Got Me' And 'Waterloo Sunset'
The Kinks
Which Now-Extinct Creature Looked Like An Elephant With A Thick Coat Of Hair
In Cockney Rhyming Slang, Which Piece Of Furniture Is A 'Cain And Abel'
Which Mediterranean Principality Is The Home Of The Monte Carlo Casino
In What Decade Did Nancy, Lady Astor Become The First Woman To Take Her Seat In The House Of Commons
In Which British Town Might You Visit The 'Golden Mile' And The 'Tower Ballroom'
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
In Nature, What G Describes Long, Airborne Lines Of Spider Silk
Which Nation Formally Surrendered To The Americans On The Battleship USS Missouri On 2 September 1945
In Film, Who Won An Oscar For His Performance In The King And I
Yul Brynner
What Is The UK Telephone Dialling Code For Glasgow
In Science, Which Element Has The Chemical Symbol 'Ag'
What 'B' Was A Famous 1960s London Fashion Store Opened By Barbara Hulanski
Is It True That Haemophilia Is A Disease Mainly Suffered By Men
In UK Politics; Which Conservative Became Mp For Henley In 1974
Michael Heseltine
Is Myrtle A Species Of Bird Or A Species Of Plant
In Which Ocean Do The Seychelles Lie
Indian Ocean
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