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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Comedian that is the disc jockey on the soundtrack to Resevoir Dogs
Steven wright
Ten degrees Celsius is the equivalent of how many degrees Fahrenheit
Fifty degrees
Hook and eye', 'strap', 'tee', 'butt' and 'blind' are all types of what
What is the name of Mr.Krane's dog on Frasier?
What is added to soap to make it clear
The FIC govern what sport
Who is the president of Russia
Vladimir putin
Hack - Hog Line - House are terms in what sport
In the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was cindy's toy doll's name
What is the glass capital of the world
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
What major British disaster occurred in Beauvais, France, in 1930
Crash of the r101 airship
If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be
Stockholm Sweden
Carlos This planet has an atmosphere that is 98 percent Helium
The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years ?
In 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci became the first western director to be allowed to film in Beijing, what film was he making
The last emperor
What are Grenadier, Idared and Ellison's Orange types of
What links Augsburger - La Stampa - El Pais and Duma
Newspapers Germany Italy Spain Bulgaria
In the TV Western series "Bonanza", what was the name of the ranch
Freyr was the Norse god of what
The only Italian masterpiece you can drive to work
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
A Group of Lion is called a
Name the stretch of water which lies between New Brunswick, Maine and Nova Scotia
Bay of fundy
Which position is traditionally played in Rugby Union by the player wearing a number 11 shirt?
Left Wing
Goose Flats changed its name to what US city
Tombstone Arizona
What geological period followed the Jurassic
In Star Trek Deep Space Nine which character had a simbiant
Jadzea Dax
The brutal treatment of Billy Hayes was the inspiration what film
Midnight Express
What instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points on a curved surface
What is the worlds biggest profession
What is the nickname for Indianapolis, Indiana
Railroad city
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
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