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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In What Sport Do You Find The Teams 'The London Wasps' And 'The Sale Sharks'
Rugby Union
What Was The Name Of The Spacecraft That Famously Penetrated The Head Of Halley's Comet In 1986
In Which 1991 Film Does Julia Roberts's Character Fake Her Own Death To Escape Domestic Violence
Sleeping With The Enemy
In The Animal Kingdom, To Which Family Of Reptiles Do Caymans Belong
Which Rock Star Has Appeared In The Films The Man Who Fell To Earth And Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
David Bowie
What Nationality Was Karen Blixen, The Author Of Out Of Africa, Danish Or American
How Many Different Colours Are There On A Rubik's Cube
Countess Markiewicz, Britain's First Elected Woman Mp, Refused To Take Her Seat. For Which Political Party Was She Elected
Sinn Fein
In Our Solar System, Is The Planet Venus Or The Planet Earth Closer To The Sun
What Name Is Given To The Milky Fluid Exuded By The Rubber Tree
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According To The Bible, Who Was Swallowed By A 'Great Fish'
Hippocampus Hippocampus Is The Scientific Name For Which Sea Creature
Sea Horse
In Which London Arts Complex Is The National Theatre
The South Bank
In America, The George Washington Bridge Crosses The Hudson River In Which State
New York
Which Unit Of Power, Often Used To Express The Rate Of Work Of An Engine, Was Devised By James Watt
Which Writer, Creator Of Jeeves, Got Into Hot Water For A Series Of Wartime Broadcasts From Germany
P.G Wodehouse
What Was The Title Of The Last Film To Star 'James Dean'
In Sport, French World Cup Goalkeeper Fabien Barthez Joined Which English Football Team In 2000
Manchester United
Waikiki Beach Is A Resort In Which American State
In Carpentry, The 'Claw' And 'Ball Pein' Are Both Types Of Which Tool
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Which UK Politician Has Been Referred To By The Tabloids As 'Two Jags'
John Prescott
Which UK Politician Has Been Referred To By The Tabloids As 'Two Jabs'
John Prescott
In Which Year Was 'VAT' Introduced In Britain
Whose Is The First Death Recounted In The Bible
What Name Is Given To The Yellowing Of The Skin Caused By A Build-Up Of Bile Pigments In The Blood
Which English Author Wrote Our Man In Havana And Brighton Rock
Graeme Greene
How Many Metres Make Up One Kilometre
1000 Metres
Which Overture By Tchaikovsky Incorporates The 'Marseillaise' And Is Still Sometimes Performed With A Cannon And Bells
1812 Overture
Which Castle Is The Main Home Of The Duke Of Northumberland
In Nature, What Colour Are The Flowers Of The Shrub 'Forsythia'
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