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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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What 'D' Is A Hard Rock That Shares A Name With A Range Of North Italian Mountains
Which Animal Belongs To The 'Pinnipeds' Family, A Bat Or , A Seal
In The Beatrix Potter Story, What Is Mrs Tiggywinkle's Profession
In Which Yorkshire City Was The Artist David Hockney Born
Gamal Nasser And Anwar Sadat Were Both Leaders Of Which Middle Eastern Country
Which Pop Band's 1994 Debut Album Was Definitely Maybe
Traditionally, In The UK, The Carnation Is A Birth Flower Associated With Which Month
In Which Decade Did Wearing Seatbelts In The Back Of The Car Become Compulsory For Adults
1990s (1991)
Which Car, Designed By Alec Issigonis For The British Motor Corporation, Was Launched In 1959
With Which Type Of Television Programme Was Geoff Hamilton Primarily Associated
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The 'Cross Of Lorraine', Adopted As Their Symbol By The Free French During World War Ii, Has How Many Horizontal Bars
Which Dutch Painter, Usually Known Only By His First Name, Had The Surname Van Rijn
Where On The Body Would A Cravat Normally Be Worn
Round The Neck
In Which Subject Does One Encounter Sines, Cosines And Tangents
Which Architect Designed The Sagrada Familia Cathedral In Barcelona
Antonio Gaudi
The Outside Of The Statue Of Liberty Is Made From Which Metal
In Pop Music, Renê Angelil Is The Manager And Husband Of Which French-Canadian Singer
Celine Dion
Who Directed The Films North By Northwest And Vertigo
Alfred Hitchcock
In The Animal Kingdom, The 'Kodiak' Is The Largest Alaskan Variety Of Which Carnivore
In The International Phonetic Alphabet, If A Is Alpha And Z Is Zulu What Is W
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Who Played Chief Inspector Barlow In The Television Series 'Softly, Softly'
Stratford Johns
Which Country Is The State Hermitage Museum
Which British Actor Won An Oscar For The 1990 Film Reversal Of Fortune
Jeremy Irons
What Is The Capital Of Spain
In The Animal Kingdom, Do Scorpions Lay Eggs Or Have Live Young
Live Young
What Was The Nationality By Birth Of Lady Nancy Astor, The First Woman To Take Her Seat In The House Of Commons
In The Animal Kingdom, 'Audacious Jumper' And 'Black Widow' Are Both Types Of Which Creature
In The Proverb, What Shouldn't One Throw Out With The Bathwater
The Baby
What Is The First Name Of Pasteur, The Discoverer Of The Anthrax
Which Two Molluscs Are Mentioned In The Traditional Song 'Molly Malone'
Cockles & Mussels
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