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There are currently 3233 questions in the History category.
Question Answer
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In which century was the first pantomime in Britain
18th (1717) 
In what language was the (Communist Manifesto) by Karl Marx written?
The collective noun for a group of witches is a ____ of witches.
What Were (Mulberries)?
Floating Harbours Used On D-Day
Who Released The 70's Album Entitled Transformer
Lou Reed 
"The words ""Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume breathes of life, of gathering gloom___"" come from which Christmas carol?"
We Three Kings of Orient Are 
What black muslim leader was assassinated on feb. 21, 1965
Malcolm x 
Name the remake of a 1960's film with the aid of the following actors. The first actor was in the 60's original, the second actor played the same role in the remake David Niven and Daniel Craig
Casino Royale 
Queen Cleopatra proclaimed herself to be which Egyptian goddess?
"In the Christmas song 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas' what ""will be out of sight"" ? "
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February 6th 1958 saw a plane carrying Manchester United home from a match in Belgrade crash during take-off at which city's airport
What was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties?
What is the nickname of oklahoma
Sooner state 
Name The Slave Who Lead An Unsuccessful Revolt By The Gladiators Against Rome?
How many countries joined the United Nations at it's start ?
Which 1972 musical won eight Oscars ? 'divine decadence darling'
Whose radio production of War Of The World's caused panic in America in 1938?
Orson Welles 
Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked?
Which Popular Christmas Movie Featured A Must Have Toy Called 'Turbo Man''
Jingle All The Way 
In pantomime what is Alladin's surname
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Which British Crime Author And Dame Died In January 1976 Aged 85
Agatha Christie 
Which 60's Movie features The Line you wouldn't be able to do those awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair
What ever happened to Baby Jane ? 
Deriving its name from the Latin word meaning knowledge and a Greek word meaning branch of learning which church was founded in 1954 in California, moving it's headquarters to Sussex in 1959?
Church of Scientology 
Which Wall Did The Romans Build To Keep Out Marauding Scots?
Hadrians Wall 
In What Year Did Great Britain Gain Control Of Hong Hong
Which Bond film does the character Dr Christmas Jones feature
The World Is not Enough 
Which Actress Starred As Columnist 'Jane Lucas'' In The TV Sitcom Agony
Maureen Lipman 
Which witch is credited in the Bible with raising the spirit of Samuel at the request of King Saul
Witch of Endor 
What is the most popular Halloween decoration
What automotive flop was named for the only child of henry ford
The edsel 
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