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Religion & Mythology

There are currently 438 questions in the Religion & Mythology category.
Question Answer
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Who killed Goliath?
Where did Robin Hood supposedly live
Sherwood forest
In Greek mythology, who solved the riddle of the Sphinx?
Where did Robin Hood supposedly live?
Sherwood Forest
Followers of the Unification Church are called ________.
What religious movement was founded by William Booth?
Salvation Army
What was the first sign shown to Moses by God according to the Bible?
Burning bush
Who was Hercules' stepmother?
Which ancient continent is said to be submerged?
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vesta
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In Egyptian mythology, who was Horus' mother?
Who was Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, love and beauty ?
In English mythology, who caused the death of the Lady of Shallot?
Sir Lancelot
In Greek mythology, who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth?
Who was Ancient Egyptian moon god ?
In Greek mythology, who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth?
He led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake.
In Egyptian mythology, what is the life force called?
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