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Sports & Leisure

There are currently 4113 questions in the Sports & Leisure category.
Question Answer
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In Baseball, What Name Is Given To The Completion Of A Circuit Of Bases On One Hit
A Home Run 
California Dolls Is A Movie That Was Inspired By And Features Which Sport
Which Sport Do You Associate With The Commentator Ted Lowe?
How did Catherine McTavish make Wimbledon history in 1979
First Female Empire 
What Is The Most Valuble Property In A Game Of Monopoly
Who Was The Only Female To Win A BBC Sports Personality Of The Year Award In The 1990's?
Liz McColgan 
How Many Times Did Lester Piggot Win The Derby
The Golden Gloves Championship is in Which Sport
What is the 'perfect score' in a game of Ten Pin Bowling?
Which premiership team used to play at the baseball ground?
Derby County 
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Who on the F.A. Cup the most times during the 70's?
Where were the 1928 Olympics held ?
Amsterdam, The NetherlandsERROR: Ret: amsterdam, (the netherlands|holland)
Which famous duo won the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year In 1984?
Torvill & Dean 
How many points are awarded to the winner of a Formula One Grand Prix
Ten Points 
With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated?
Who had the nickname 'Golden Bear'?
Jack Nicklaus
In which game or sport is a "Zamboni" used
Football: The Cincinnati _________.
Who Was The First Woman To Run A Mile In Under 5 Minutes
Diane Leather 
With Which Sport Do You Associate Harvey Smith, Nick Skelton And Rob Hoekstra
Show Jumping 
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Who Played The Part Of Muhammad Ali In The Bio-Pic Of His Life 'The Greatest''?
Muhammad Ali!! 
What number is by the side of the number 16 on a dart board? (either Side)
8 or 7 
What Sport Are Torvill & Dean Famous For
Ice Skating / Ice Dance 
Which German Golfer Won The Us Masters In 1993
Benhard Langer 
Liverpool Won Champions League , Who Scored The First 3 Liverpool Goals (PFE)?
Stephen Gerrard, Vladimar Smicer & Xabi Alonsco 
In which sport is a "hole_in_one" possible
What sport do the following terms belong to - "Pull & Lolly"?
What Did Both Arsenal & Chelsea Have In 1928 That No Other Team Had?
Numbered Shirts 
How Many Straight Lines Will You Find On An English Football Pitch?
Which British athlete's autobiography is entitled (A Time To Jump)?
Jonathan Edwards 
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