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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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The Tourist Attractions Of Which US City Include The Peabody Hotel And Graceland
What Was The Name Of The Last Film To Star 'James Dean'
What Was The Name Of The Man-Eating Plant In The Movie 'Little Shop Of Horrors'
Audrey Two
What Is The First Name Of The Famous Designer Armani
Which Body In Our Solar System Has A Diameter Of 865,000 Miles
The Sun
In The Animal Kingdom, What Colour Is The Rat Whose Latin Name Is Rattus Rattus
In Which Canadian City Might You Glimpse Niagara From The CN Tower
In Pop Music, What Is The Home Town Of The Boy Band Boyzone
According To Norse Legend, Which Bird Delivers New-Born Babies To The Home
Who Directed The 1999 Film 'The Talented Mr Ripley'
Anthony Minghella
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Who Won The First Ever Edition Of The UK Version Of The X Factor
Steve Brookstein
In Which Decade Did Sir Alec Jeffreys Discover DNA Profiling
In Which US City Might You Visit 'Carnegie Hall' And 'Central Park'
New York
In Law, What 'C' Is The Name .For The Person To Whom A Debt Is Owed
In Nature, What Sort Of Bird Is A Red-Breasted Merganser
In Which Food-Based Television Detective Series Would You Find The Character 'Henry Crabbe'
Pie In The Sky
Which Form Of Calcium Carbonate Did Michelangelo Use For His Statue David
Which Country Were Beaten By A 'Golden Goal' In The Final Of Football's Euro 2000 Championships
In The Nursery Rhyme About Jack And Jill, Which Of The Two Fell Down And Broke Their Crown
In The Nursery Rhyme 'Jack And Jill' What Did Jack Break
His Crown
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The Rows And The Roodee Racecourse Are Landmarks Of Which British City
Which Word Can Mean Both A College And A Group Of Whales
On The Internet, What Does The Abbreviation 'IP' Stand For
Internet Protocol
Despite Its Name, The Slow-Worm Is Really A Type Of Which Reptile
Which Hollywood Film Star Performed In A Pop Band Called 'The Bacon Brothers'
Kevin Bacon
In Which Men's Gymnastics Event Are Two Wires Suspended Over 5 Metres From The Floor
The Television Quiz Show Bob's Full House Was Based On Which Game
On Which Island Might You Visit Sam Lord's Castle And Bridgetown's Careenage
Of Which Country Is Bucharest The Capital
What Sort Of Rats Were The British 7th Armoured Division, According To Their Nickname During The Second World War
Desert Rats
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