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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In Art, Monet Painted A Series Of Canvases On The Banks Of The River Epte That Featured Which Trees
Poplar Trees
Which English Poet Of The Sixteenth Century Wrote The Arcadia
Sir Philip Sidney
Established By The United Nations In 1946, Which Global Organisation Aims To Eradicate Preventable Diseases
World Health Organisation
In Fashion, Name Either Of The Garments Which Make Up A Twin Set
Cardigan Or Jumper
Cheviot And Romney Are Breeds Of Which Farm Animal
Which Us City Is Benjamin Franklin's Birthplace And The Venue Of A Famous 1773 Tea Party
Of Which Country Is The Volcanic Island Of 'Krakatoa' A Part
In Literature, Who Is The Hero Of The Novel The Thirty-Nine Steps By John Buchan
Brigadier General Sir Richard Hannay
In Food, With Which Fruit Is A Fish Dish Described As 'Vèronique' Garnished
Which Cartoon Family Lived At 345 Stonecave Road, Bedrock
The Flintstones
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Who Was British Prime Minister When The Country Joined The European Economic Community In 1973
Sir Edward Heath
Which Usually Fatal Disease Of Pigs Is Also Known As 'Hog Cholera'
Swine Fever
In Food, Which Root Crop Was Originally Known As The 'Swedish Turnip'
In Which Decade Was The Pocket Calculator Invented
1970s (1971)
Who Is Debbie Reynolds's Famous Actress Daughter
Carrie Fisher
In The Human Body, What Happens To The Rate Of The Heart Beat During Exercise
It Increases
In Which Decade Was The Broadcaster Terry Wogan Born
1930s (1938)
Who Led The Romanian Communist Party From 1965 Until His Execution In 1989
Nicolae Ceausescu
What Colour Is The Caravan Symbol On An Ordnance Survey Map
In Physics, What 'P' Is A Triangular Block Of Glass That Splits A Beam Of White Light Into Colours Of The Spectrum
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
How Many Times Was Marilyn Monroe Nominated For An Academy Award
In Pop Music, Complete The Title Of This UK Blondie Hit: 'Heart Of ...'
In Literature, Which Charles Dickens Novel Has A Central Character Known As 'Pip'
Great Expectations
Traditionally, Is Red Or White Wine Used In The French Dish 'Coq Au Vin'
In Nature, What 'C' Is The Embryo Stage Of A Butterfly's Life-Cycle
Chrysalis (Not Cocoon)
In Fashion, Was The 'Farthingale' Worn In The Elizabethan Or Georgian Period
In Pop Music, Which American Record Label Was Founded By Berry Gordy
In The Animal Kingdom, What Is A Female Swan Called
In Which Century Was The Teabag Invented
Twentieth Century
How Many Symphonies Did The Composer Tchaikovsky Complete During His Lifetime: Six Or Eight
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