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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In Literature, Which German Author Wrote The Dramatic Poem 'Faust'
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
The Rose 'Elizabeth Of Glamis' Is Named In Honour Of Which Member Of The Royal Family
The Queen Mother
In Pre-Decimal Currency, How Many Half Crowns Made One Pound
In Europe, Which Country Is The Furthest North
The Rook And The Jackdaw Are Members Of Which Family Of Birds
In Science, Which Common Unit Is Used To Measure Electric Current
In The 1927 Film The Jazz Singer, Who Played The Title Role
Al Jolson
In Language, Which Alphabet's First Letter Is 'Aleph'
In Politics, In Which Year Was The Greater London Council Abolished
In Which City Is The Musical '42nd Street' Set
New York
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What Is The Opposite Of 'Concave'
In Which Century Did The Royal Academy Of Arts Open In London
Eighteenth (1768)
On Which Coast Of The Mediterranean Is The Italian Resort Of Rimini
Which Shakespeare Character Has A Mother Called Gertrude And An Uncle Called Claudius
In The Painting The Mona Lisa, Which Usual Facial Feature Is Missing
For What Purpose Is Trinitrotoluene Mainly Used
In The Series Of Children's Books, Which Character Lives At 52 Festive Road
Mr Benn
How Old Was John F. Kennedy When He Was Sworn In As Us President
In Film, Whose First Hollywood Screen Test Was Assessed With The Words 'Can't Act. Slightly Bald. Can Dance A Little'
Fred Astaire
In The Animal Kingdom, 'Ship' And 'Norway' Are Both Types Of Which Rodent
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Which English Higher-Education Institution Is Known By The Initials Ucl
University College London
What Form Of Mechanised Transport Was First Introduced To New York In 1907
In Religion, The Prophet Muhammad, Whose Name Means Literally 'Praised', Was The First Leader Of Which Religion
Who Sang The Theme Tune Of The 1973 Bond Film Live And Let Die
Paul McCartney / Wings
In The Human Body, How Many Anvils Are There In Each Ear
In Which Decade Did Holyhead County Secondary School Become Britain's First Comprehensive School
In Literature, Who Wrote Blott On The Landscape And Wilt
Tom Sharpe
Ln History, In Which Year Did The Soviet Union Cease To Exist
In Which US City Might You Visit The UN Headquarters And The Rockefeller Centre
New York
Who Sang The Song 'The Power Of Love' On The Soundtrack Of The 1985 Film Back To The Future
Huey Lewis And The News
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