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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
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Better Known For His Work With W. S. Gilbert, Who Composed The Tune Called 'St Gertrude' For The Hymn 'Onward Christian Soldiers'
Arthur Sullivan
In Education, In Which Town Is The University Of Essex Situated
Which British Leader Wrote: 'It May Almost Be Said, Before Alamein We Never Had A Victory. After Alamein We Never Had A Defeat'
Winston Churchill
In Literature, Graham Swift Won The Booker Prize In 1996 For Which Novel
Last Orders
In Which County Was The English Composer Benjamin Britten Born
In Food, Which Herb's Name Is Derived From The Greek For 'King'
In Clothing, The Eyelet And Tongue Are Both Parts Of A What
Which Item Of Sportswear, Typically Worn By Gymnasts, Was Named After A French Trapeze Artist
In Which City Is The Campus Of The University Of Warwick
In The Musical My Fair Lady, What Was The Name Of The Flower Girl Who Was Taught To Cope With High Society
Eliza Doolittle
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Greenwich Village And The Guggenheim Museum Are Features Of Which Us City
New York
Which Irish Poet Won The 1995 Nobel Prize For Literature
Seamus Heaney
In The Animal Kingdom, From Which Continent Does The 'Yak' Come
In History, Of Which Country Was Idi Amin Head Of State Between 1971 And 1979
Republic Of Uganda
Bodrum Is A Popular Tourist Resort Located In Which Country
In Economics, For What Do The Letters IMF Stand
International Monetary Fund
Was Britain's First Space Rocket Called Red Arrow Or Blue Streak
Blue Streak
In Literature, Complete The Title Of This Thomas Hardy Novel: Jude The . . . What
What Is The Capital Of Scotland
In The Animal Kingdom, Which Of These Spiders Is The Most Venomous, The 'False Widow' Or The 'Black Widow'
Black Widow
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Which M Is A Country On The Southern Coastline Of Africa That Suffered Devastating Floods In February And March 2000
In Flower Arranging, What '0' Is The Trade Name Of A Green Block Of Light Material Used To Hold Cut Flowers In Place
In The Musical 'West Side Story', Was Bernardo The Leader Of The Jets Or The Sharks
In The Human Body, Is The Aorta The Largest Artery Or The Largest Vein
In World Geography 'Kathmandu' Is The Capital Of Which Country
Does The Island Of Corfu Lie In The Aegean Or The Ionian Sea
Complete The Title Of This 1980s Oscar-Winning Film By Director Ingmar Bergman: Fanny And . .
What French Term Beginning With The Letter C Is Given To A Road Closed At One End
In The Animal Kingdom, Is The Head Of The Male Mallard Duck Black Or Dark Green
Dark Green
What Was The First Name Of Jenner, The Inventor Of The Smallpox Vaccination
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