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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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Which Irish City Is On The River Logan
In Science, What 'F' Is The Process Of Splitting An Atom
In Language, Which Word Describes Both Riding Ocean Waves And Exploring The World Wide Web
In Ancient Theatre, Was Seneca A Greek Or Roman Playwright And Philosopher
In Sport, The Penrith Lakes, Bondi Beach And Horsley Park Were All Venues For Which Major International Event In 2000
El Alamein, Site Of A Battle That Proved A Turning Point In World War Ii, Is In Which Country
In The Human Body, What 'G' Is A Disease Of The Joints Resulting From An Accumulation Of Uric Acid
British Designer John Galliano Is Head Of Which French Fashion House
Christian Dior
Which Author And Illustrator Wrote The Snowman
Raymond Briggs
In'which Decade Did Kenneth Wood Market The First Food Processor
1940's (1947)
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With Which Type Of Musical Instrument Is The Name Steinway Primarily Associated
Long-Eared' And 'Pipistrelle' Are Both Types Of Which Animal
Which Further Education Examining Body Has Its Headquarters In Giltspur Street, London
City And Guilds
To Which Pop Group Did Louise Nurding Belong Before She Went Solo
According To The Proverb, What Is The Mother Of Invention
In Politics, On Which Occasion In 1990 Did John Major Declare, 'I Am My Own Man'
On Becoming Prime Minister
Which English Premiership Club Did Former World Footballer Of The Year 'George Weah' Join From Chelsea In July 2000
Manchester City
In Ancient History, From Which Country Did The Zapotec People Come: Mexico Or Japan
In Which Board Game Do The Playing Pieces Include Lead Piping, Rope And A Spanner
At Sea Level, Is Air Pressure Approximately Fifteen Or Thirty Pounds Per Square Inch
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
In Food, What French Name Is Given To A Sweet Pancake Served In A Flaming Sauce Of Orange Liqueur
Crepe Suzette
In Cricket, What Score Is Known As A Double Nelson
In The Animal Kingdom, Which Male Animal May Be Described As 'Taurine' Or 'Bovine'
In Literature, The Land Of Lilliput Features In Which Eighteenth-Century Novel
Gullivers Travels
In Which Century Was The Planet Pluto Discovered
20th (1930)
In The Television Series Steptoe & Son, What Was The Name Of The Horse
What Is The World's Smallest Continent
In Nature, By What Name Is The Crane-Fly More Commonly Known
Daddy Long Legs
In Which Classic 1946 Film Did An Angel Stop Businessman George Bailey From Committing Suicide On Christmas Eve
It's A Wonderful Life
In Classical Music, What Was Verdi's Last Opera Called
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