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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In History, The 'Anzac' Was A Combined Army Corps Formed Between Which Two Countries During World War I
Australia & New Zealand
In The Animal Kingdom, An 'English Romney' Is A Type Of What
In Sport, What Colour Is The Background To The Olympic Flag
In Italy, Which Venetian Bridge Links The Doge's Palace To The State Prison
Bridge Of Sighs
Which Classical Composer Wrote The Nineteenth-Century Opera Othello, First Performed In 1887
Giuseppe Verdi
In Literature, Who Is The Author Son Of 'Kingsley Amis'
Martin Amis
What Is The First Name Of The Wife Of Television Interviewer Michael Parkinson
In Business, What Does 'AGM' Stand For
Annual General Meeting
Which Actor Played Dr Bamford In The British Film Saving Grace
Martin Clunes
Jomo Kenyatta Was The First President Of Which Country
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In Ancient Egypt, The Pyramids Were Built As Tombs For Whom
Which Country's Ruler Was Forced To Renounce His Divinity, After The Second World War, Although He Kept The Title Of Emperor?
Japan (Hirohito)
In Literature, What Was The Surname Of The Poets Dante, Gabriel And Christina
Which Actress Played Velvet Brown In The 1944 Film National Velvet
Elizabeth Taylor
On The World Wide Web, Which Country Is Represented By 'Pl'
Which 1980s Pop Band Recorded The Album 'Welcome To The Pleasure Dome'
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Cynophobia Is A Fear Of Which Animals
In The Children's Television Programme, What Type Of Building Did Portland Bill Live In
A Lighthouse
Maputo Is The Capital City Of Which African Country
In Which European Country Did Women Finally Win The Right To Vote In National Elections After A Referendum Held In February 1971
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In Which Film Did Jack Nicholson Play The Devil, Who Seduces Three Women
The Witches Of Eastwick
In First Aid, A 'Triangular' And 'Roller' Are Both Types Of What
What Is The Capital Of Malta
In Modern Literature, Who Wrote The 1984 Novel 'The Fourth Protocol'
Frederick Forsythe
In UK History, Which King Said At His Trial, 'I Do Stand More For The Liberty Of My People, Than Any Here'
Charles I
What Is The Largest Borough In New York City
Which Television Cop Did Telly Savallas Play In The 1970s
Which French Sculptor's Works Include The Burghers Of Calais
Auguste Rodin
In Medicine, The General Anaesthetic Halothane Was Discovered In England In Which Decade
1950s (1951)
Jimmy Page And Robert Plant Were Members Of Which British Rock Band
Led Zeppelin
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