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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In Music, Is A Piccolo A Woodwind Or A String Instrument
In Which Decade Was The Actress Dame Judi Dench Born
1930s (1934)
Would You Find The Alimentary Canal On The Moon Or In The Human Body
Human Body
In Which Decade Was Instant Coffee Invented
In Science, Is 'Plumbago' Another Name For Graphite Or For Camphor
Paella Is A Traditional Dish Of Which Country
What Is The Largest Of The Balearic Islands
Majorca (Mallorca)
Which Musical, Set In Vietnam, Is Based On The Story Of Madame Butterfly
Miss Saigon
In Modern Science, Is Time The First, Second, Third Or Fourth Dimension
In Clothing, Would A Cowboy Wear His Chaps Above Or Below The Waist
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Which Actor Played Danny In The 1978 Film Grease
John Travolta
With Which Of Her Majesty's Forces Does Prince Andrew . Serve
Royal Navy
In Science, Did Ernest Rutherford Propose The Nuclear Model Of The Atom In The Year 1911 Or 1921
In History, Which Scottish King Won The Battle Of Bannockburn In The Year 1314
Robert The Bruce
What Is The Main Religion Of Morocco
In Music, Which Is The Lower Female Voice, Soprano Or Contralto
In America, Pa Is The Postal Abbreviation For Which State
In The UK, What Type Of Transport Is A Green Goddess
Fire Engine
In Nutrition, Both Wheatgerm And Broccoli Are Rich Sources Of Folic ... What
Complete The Title Of The 1980s Children's Television Programme: Ragdolly ... Who
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
Which Character Was Played By Clint Eastwood In The Television Series 'Rawhide'
Rowdy Yates
Complete The First Line Of This Nursery Rhyme: 'Hey Diddle Diddle...'
The Cat And The Fiddle
In History, What A Was The Central Area Of An Ancient Roman Amphitheatre Used For Gladiators To Fight
In The 1988 Comedy Film A Fish Called Wanda, Which Actress Played Wanda
Jamie Lee Curtis
In Which African Country Are The Cities Pretoria And Bloemfontein
South Africa
In Art, What 'P' Is The Name Given To Paintings Which Show A Visual Likeness Of Someone's Face
In Nature, What Is The Name Given To The Waxy, Water- Repellent Coating Of A Leaf
In Politics, In 1990, Who Replaced Nigel Lawson As Chancellor Of The Exchequer
John Major
In Science, Does The Chemical Element Mercury Expand Or Contract When It Is Heated
In History, How Many Times Did Stanley Baldwin Serve As Prime Minister Of Britain
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