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General Knowledge

There are currently 45961 questions in the General Knowledge category.
Question Answer
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In Maths, Does A Scalene Triangle Have Three Equal Or Unequal Sides
Who Won The Eurovision Song Contest For Britain In 1976 With 'Save Your Kisses For Me'
The Brotherhood Of Man
How Is The Footballer Luiz De Nazario Di Lima Better Known
What Nationality Is Douglas Coupland, Author Of The 1991 Novel 'Generation X'
In 1961, Did President Kennedy Announce The Start Of The Apollo Or The Challenger Space Programme
Which Large Cat Is Known As 'The King Of Beasts'
The 'Haj' Is A Pilgrimage Made By A Muslim To Which City
Which 1996 Musical Film, Set In Argentina, Starred Antonio Banderas
In The Animal Kingdom, The Adult Of Which Species Of Bird Is Larger: A Goose Or A Swan
Who Co-Starred With Walter Matthau In The 1968 Film 'The Odd Couple'
Jack Lemon
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Which City Is Home To John Knox's House And The Royal Mile
In Food, From Which Country Do Tapas Bars Originate
Which Actor Has Twice Been Married To Melanie Griffith And Twice Split Up With Her
Don Johnson
Notes From A Small Island Is A Book By Bill Bryson About Which Country
In The Animal Kingdom, Are The Legs Of A Partridge Bare Or Feathery
In Which European Country Was The Writer Hans Christian Andersen Born
In Uk Politics, Who Was The Labour Party's Longest-Serving Prime Minister
Harold Wilson
In Which Asian Country During The 1930s Did The Famous `Tong March' Take Place
In The Children's Television Programme 'Roobarb And Custard', Which One Was The Dog
In The Human Body, Does Diphtheria Affect The Respiratory Or The Digestive System
Without financial help this site won't survive, if every visitor donated £1 we could run this site for a long long time. The fact you are here on this page shows the site is of some use to you, we have helped you, why not help us? We have never made a penny off this site, all of us are currently out of work and this site is impacting on other sites that are paying our rent. Click here to go to our GoFundMe page and help us out.
In Travel, What Was The De Havilland Comet
Which Actress Played The Girl In The 1955 Film The Seven Year Itch
Marilyn Monroe
Which Group Of Islands Is The Furthest North Of All Britain's Islands
Shetland Islands
Which Comic Actress Was Married To Tom Arnold And Starred In A Sitcom Named After Her
Roseanne Barr
In Language, Does The French Phrase 'A La Carte' Translate As 'From The Menu' Or 'From The Table'
From The Menu
Which Imperial Weight Measurement Is Also Another Name For The Snow-Leopard
The Ounce
Name The Australian Who Is The Main Presenter Of Bbc Television's Animal Hospital
Rolf Harris
Complete The Title Of This Arthur Miller Play, Death Of A ... What
Which London Academy Was Founded In 1822 Whose Past Students Include Sir Henry Wood And Sir Simon Rattle
Royal Academy Of Music
Which Ken Kesey Novel, Set In A Mental Hospital, Became An Oscar-Winning Film
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
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